The three wise skeletons! Each skull engraved with the his particular virtue; ‘MUTUS-SURDUS-CAECUS”Mute- deaf- blind. Just get on with life… and death; hear, speak and NO EVIL!
The three wise skeletons! Each skull engraved with the his particular virtue; ‘MUTUS-SURDUS-CAECUS’. Just get on with life… and death; hear, speak and NO EVIL!
Must-have metal-wear to remind the wearer to ignore all evil.
Pewter buckle of the human skeleton version of the three wise monkeys. Buckle measures roughly 4.49″ wide, 3.46″ tall & 1.46 deep with belt loop and prong on the back for fitting onto a standard 1 1/2″ belt strap.
Handcrafted in England of lead-free, Fine English Pewter