The Feng Shui money frog, better known as the three-legged toad, is a popular Chinese symbol that is used as a Feng Shui instrument to attract wealth and prosperity. The three-legged toad is also connected to long life and good luck.
The Feng Shui money frog, better known as the three-legged toad, is a popular Chinese symbol that is used as a Feng Shui instrument to attract wealth and prosperity. The three-legged toad is also connected to long life and good luck.
According to Feng Shui beliefs the three legged toad should be placed near the front of the house, facing inward toward the home. if it is to be kept in the office, your money frog must be kept in the southeast corner as that is the wealth corner, and not be placed facing the door.
To activate your three legged money frog, place it on a red paper, or tie a red ribbon around it, if your frog has red jewels, then it is already activated. one other additive to wealth is to ensure that your frog has its coin in its mouth.